
Tuesday, 22 June 2021

My Lunch In Kilojoules - By Angelina


For our reading activity we had to list our lunch and then research of how many Kilojoules it had in it, we also had to write down the size of the food

Monday, 7 June 2021

Tupaia Master Navigator

This is my recreation of Tupaia's art work

This story is about a Navigator form the island of Ra'iatea who was named Tupaia. Tupaia could Identify more than a hundred islands their size, theeir positions of their reefs and harbours. Tupaia also started and continued to draw in Aotearoa. Captain cook and Tupaia were also friends, captain cook invited Tupaia to join his journey to go to the Endeavor.

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Sleeping Diagram


This is a diagram about how much sleep people need, from new born to adults